GA 111 (23 Mar 2024) - It is hard to believe that the grand adventure has come to an end already. For me the time passed in a blur punctuated with many great memories and experiences. And while there were a few notable challenges, the overall feelings and impressions I leave with are very positive. I have to say that, while packing, I was having a sense of dread of returning to winter and Winnipeg...for reasons that, I think to most, are obvious. But the journey here and the experiences that have been availed to me have opened a world of new potential opportunities - it is as if there is much unfinished business for me to return to. On the career front, there are projects and collaborations to explore. On the social angle there are many new friends and colleagues to come back for a visit. And, from a travel perspective, I know there is so much more of beautiful Brazil to see...I still have 30 beaches on Santa Catarina alone to visit and I only got a brief taste of Rio. Yes, so much more to see and do.
For the "last supper" it was necessary for me to treat three especially dear friends to dinner and, of course, enjoy some more of the fine cuisine. The plan had not been intended for it to be Italian fare (my heart had been set on traditional food) but, due to a series of miscues and timing, we ended up having a lovely progressive meal at the Lenha & Oliva Forneria. The important thing was to spend the last evening with friends who really went out of their way to share time with me and demonstrate Brazilian hospitality. My sincerest appreciation to Angela and her son, Arthur (who was out of town), for the generosity of opening their home for my stay in Floripa. To Elaine, who not only is a warm person with a great sense of humor but also a great interpreter! And, of course, Marlene, whose grounded nature and pragmatic sense was so engaging - ciao bella!! I shall always have fond memories of my time with you.

My last two days were spent giving an inaugural address to the new graduate students entering into the program on Thursday afternoon and the final grounded theory concentrated class on Friday morning. My address was entitled General Approaches to Qualitative Research: Where to Start for Telling a Story that seemed to be well-received. I was a bit surprised at the low attendance given that this was to be one of my main presentations at UFSC. The reason I was given for low numbers was "because it was in English". Seriously? Obviously it was going to be in English...that is all I speak. When I did the inaugural address the week previous at UFRJ they arranged for an interpreter, so I am sure that could have been a potential option. Nonetheless, there was some great interaction with the students who came (some using Google voice translation app) and a few faculty members. And, after the presentation, I met with another faculty member interested in working together and she presented her program of research that has some intersections with my own work.
Then there was the last minute dash for souvenirs, packing, flight from Floripa to São Paulo to catch my connection back to Canada with Air Canada. I managed to get upgraded to business class, so that meant some time in the lounge in São Paulo and the chance for a final caipirinha or two. And, of course, the requisite stop in duty free for a bottle of cachaça, a new fragrance, and chocolate.
There was an interesting irony leaving Floripa in pouring rain as that was the weather I first experienced on my arrival in January. It was even wetter in São Paulo as my luggage and I would experience when being boarded off the tarmac rather than a bridge at the terminal (Air Canada got an earful for the one soaked through suitcase). If Brazil was crying over my departure, what were it's tears for when I arrived? After an hour delay, we finally got boarded and I got all settled into my pod for the flight home. Lots of thoughts were in my head as the plane accelerated down the tarmac, but one stood out above all - I will be back...I have unfinished business.